Our Mission
To advance advocacy, education, and research in lipid and atherosclerosis-related disorders for the health and well-being of the Filipino people.
Our Vision
PLAS aims to be the foremost authority in the prevention, management, and control of lipid disorders and atherosclerosis, reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the Philippines.
Above all, we respect and care for life.
The divine Providence has gifted us with uncommon knowledge
and it is right we devote it to serving His greatest gift of human life.
Primum non-nocere guides us in savings and maintaining quality of life.
Honesty, sincerity, fairness and a strong sense of ethics rule our conduct.
Wanting to be always trustworthy, we practice medicine with honor.
Patients and the general community are family in healthcare.
Our family includes the patients’ families, the lay sector, other medical
practitioners, healthcare industry, and the regional and global bodies dedicated
to the same cause of minimizing the impact of lipid disorders.
To us, any medical challenge is an opportunity for improving,
our knowledge and skills. We pursue every opportunity like a renewed
challenge towards excellence in delivering healthcare.
We take on our responsibilities as God’s caretakers of human life passionately and conscientiously, giving our best at all times.
We put premium on quality and compassion in patient care.
To ensure high quality, we continuously research, learn and share new
knowledge with our healthcare partners so that, together, we successfully prevent and control lipid disorders in our country.